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  • 100% natural, Wild harvested, No preservatives, No artificial ingreedients, No GMO.
  • New products: Essential Oils of Siberian Cedar, 100% natural Chewing Gum of Cedar and Larch Resin


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

After 6 years of absence of Siberian pine nuts now we have the opportunity to export pine nuts from Russia! We are renting a parcel of Siberian taiga forest and received a license for exporting pine nuts from Russia.

Gathering and processing of pine nuts is be done together with the residents of kin's settlement in Tomsk city.

A team of brave people working together with North American Siberian Pine Nut Oil company organizes expeditions to the taiga, and delivers to your table wholesome and fresh pine nuts within a period of two weeks after the nuts have been shelled.

You will enjoy all the health benefits from Siberian pine nuts—the King of super foods—as local Siberians have been doing for a millennium.

Siberian pine nuts are completely organic and wild harvested.

Siberian pine nuts are the most valuable product of all known products obtained from various plants. On average, any product - whether nuts, fruits, seeds, root vegetables, or berries - takes from three to five months to ripen, and ripening does not occur during the winter. Pine nuts ripen over a period of two years, and are a much more valuable product for human health.

Pine nuts may completely replace any product, but there is no single product that can replace pine nuts.

Pine nuts have long been used in various cuisines of the world; they are held in high regard for their unique taste and medicinal properties. With an amazing slightly sweet taste containing hints of milk, pine nuts have been used both in basic dishes and desserts. The nuts have always been a delicacy and a much sought-after ingredient at the tables of nobles and kings. Modern science has studied the chemical composition of pine nuts and explained their usefulness.

Pine nuts are the absolute record-holders for containing the most vitamins. For example, in one hundred grams of nuts there are forty-eight recommended daily doses of high-quality vitamin B2; so, to make up a deficiency of this vitamin, you only need to eat two grams of pine nuts a day. One hundred grams of pine nuts also contain twenty-two recommended daily doses of natural vitamin B1, and forty percent of the recommended daily dose of organic folic acid and vitamin PP.

With regard to minerals, pine nuts are no less amazing. Two hundred grams of pine nuts contain the recommended daily dose of magnesium. These nuts are also rich in potassium, phosphorus, and copper.

The protein content of pine nuts is much richer than chicken, pork or ham. Pine nuts also contain all amino acids, including the essential amino acids, as well as those that are important for children, such as arginine and histidine. The balanced protein of pine nuts is so close to the protein compounds of human tissue that 99% of this protein is capable of being assimilated by the body.

Siberian pine nuts are a concentrated source of vitamins E and P. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, capable of neutralizing the oxidizing processes in the body. As a result of its action, the level of blood cholesterol is lowered, and the body is rejuvenated.

Pine nuts contain much more vitamin E than other popular products, such as olive oil, wheat germ oil, or coconut oil. Group E vitamins, or tocopherols, are very important and essential for ensuring full transmission of genetic material. Translated from the Greek, tocopheral means "I bear offspring."

The most important and significant factor in pine nuts is their content of up to 70% of valuable fats of plant origin of all three types: saturated, monosaturated, and polyunsaturated, including a high quantity of the rarest, and therefore the most valuable fatty acid, Omega-3. Omega-3 and Omega-6 are contained in pine nuts in an ideal proportion, practically 1:1

Popular scientific literature also points out that the quality of pine growing in Northern areas is much higher than those in the South. Back in 1792 academician P. S. Pallas wrote that the Siberian pine nuts rejuvenate man's power. They also bring back youthfulness, stimulate the immune system considerably, increasing the physical body's resistance against many diseases.

What we do.

We collect pine cones that have fallen to the ground by themselves, which ensures a harvest of only ripened cones.

We take the entire cone out of the forest. Nuts in their cones can be kept for up to three years without any loss of quality.

In the warehouse, we use commercial refrigerators, which ensure the preservation of all the nutritional substances in the pine nut.

After the nuts have been shelled, they are immediately vacuum-packed, which protects the pine nuts from the oxidizing effect of the surrounding air. In addition, the packaging we use does not contain chlorine.

We do not wait until we have processed all the nuts, but ship out pine nuts in small batches to warehouses in America, Canada, and Germany. Our warehouses are equipped with commercial freezers, which ensure the maximum preservation of the pine nuts.

Pine nuts are shipped from Russia to America, Canada, and Germany only by airline over the course of two days and only in thermally insulated containers.

Mail delivery of orders is by expedited service.

No more than two weeks goes by from the instant we shell the cones until the time you receive the wholesome pine nuts! And in these two weeks the nuts are refrigerated.

After you receive your pine nuts, they must be kept in a refrigerator.


Siberian Pine Nut Oil company is a for-profit company, but we also want to incorporate a positive impact on society. We will contribute ten percent of our profits to global ringing pines movement and eco-settlements.

As we grow, we intend to cooperate with residents of eco-settlements in Siberia to grow production of wild harvested, organic pine nuts which will create new jobs. We believe when people will have stable job in eco-settlement, it will make much easier to move to eco-settlement.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ):

Q?: What about Chinese pine nuts? I saw them in local food store.

A: Pine nuts must be fresh to benefit the body. But what is going on today? Before they reach a satisfied purchaser in the United States or Canada, pine nuts pass through many middlemen over the course of 16 to 19 months.

As soon as the nuts are extracted from the cone, they begin to lose their medicinal qualities. So, to make the harvesting of the nuts easier, the cones are shelled right in the forest, and only the nuts are brought out. The harvesting takes approximately three to four months. Then the nuts are taken to the base, where hundreds of tons of nuts are accumulated for export to China; this process takes another three to four months. Then the nuts are loaded onto rail cars and moved through Russia and China to the maritime regions of China; this procedure takes from one and a half to two months. To minimize expenses during the process of harvesting and transport, the nuts are stored under awnings in bags or in a pile, and so the nuts are subject to mold, the so-called "blue mold." Naturally, the nuts continue to lose their medicinal properties. One train can contain up to five hundred tons of pine nuts; each year more than twenty thousand tons of pine nuts are exported from Russia to China.

Then the processing of the pine nuts begins. It takes up to five months to process a large quantity of nuts. Afterwards, the nuts are loaded into ship containers and travel to North America, which usually takes two months. But this is not yet all: once in the warehouse, the nuts are distributed to stores and delivered in trucks, which takes another month. How much time passes before you see nuts on the shelves? No one knows, but let's add one more month for the rotation of stock in the stores. In this case, there is no point in even mentioning the storage temperature or even vacuum packaging—here this would be of no help whatsoever. The instant the shell was removed from the nut, the oxidation of the fats in the nuts begins; these processes accelerate at the high temperatures—up to plus 50 degree Celsius—found in the closed, unventilated containers on the deck of a ship exposed to direct sunlight.

So, 19 months goes by! From the day the nuts are found in the forest to the day you buy them in a store: A year and a half!

Any type of freshness is out of the question.

And now, pay particular attention! If you thought that the nuts on store shelves being a year and a half old was the biggest problem, you couldn't be more wrong.

In order to increase their profit from the processing of pine nuts, Chinese producers initially extract the oil from the nuts using a chemical means that does not destroy the structure of the nut. This is done to derive the greatest profit, because pine nut oil is worth more than 80 dollars a kilogram on the market. So, they have already made money from the oil, and they are now making money from the nuts; here is the Chinese "miracle."

This is how it happens:

Obtaining the oil using extraction. The extraction method of removing oil is the most economical and ensures the maximum yield of the raw oil. Sunflower seeds, pine nuts, cotton seeds, linen seeds, peanuts and others are processed in the same way.

The basis of the extraction process is the ability of vegetable oils to dissolve in organic solvents. In China and other countries, extractive brand Abenzine and petroleum distillates are used as solvents to extract oil from the raw plant materials. Extractive benzines belong to the aliphatic hydrocarbons, and are a mixture of saturated, unsaturated, and a small quantity of aromatic hydrocarbons. They have a boiling point of 63–95ºC. Benzines that contain aromatic hydrocarbons are good at dissolving not only oil, but also fatty substances (phospholipids, pigments, waxes), which degrade the quality of the oil. Then the nuts are dried, washed, and again dried for the purposes of later sale.

Any dietitian will tell you that products like these should not be consumed: they are hazardous to your health.

Here are few facts:

In 2006, in Moscow, for the first time in the centuries-old history of Russia, a large number of cases of food poisoning from pine nuts was recorded.

After a careful investigation, it was revealed that the pine nuts had been brought from China after processing.

That same year, the Russian government placed a ban on the import of pine nuts onto the territory of Russia. Thus, Russians discovered just what "pine mouth" was.

Many people suffer from this problem in the United States; here is an excerpt from an official FDA web-site

In the past year FDA has received a number of consumer complaints regarding a bitter metallic taste associated with pine nuts. This taste, known as "pine mouth," typically begins 12 to 48 hours after consuming pine nuts, and lasts on average between a few days and two weeks. It is exacerbated by consumption of any other food during this period and significantly decreases appetite and enjoyment of food.

In addition, anyone interested can familiarize themselves with the problem by typing pine mouth into any search engine.

Another problem is the corruption associated with the export of the nuts from Russia to China. Pursuant to Russian legislation, a special licence must be obtained to export nuts outside of Russia. According to official statistics, licences were issued in 2014-2015 for the export of only 100 tons of nuts, including the licence issued to our company. But according to the statistics kept by human rights organizations, including the World Wildlife Federation, more than twenty thousand tons of pine nuts were exported from Russia to China!

If you ask any pine nut harvester in Siberia, where the pine nuts are sold, you will be told that they are sold to China without any licences. This is possible because of certain people who, for a bribe, are prepared to transport any quantity of nuts across the border.

Because of corruption and production technologies that are hazardous to health, which the people processing the nuts fail to mention. Russian companies, including ours, do not even have a chance to deliver quality products when faced with the lowered prices and unscrupulous competition of Chinese producers.

Q?: What about Italian pine nuts?

A: Italian pine nuts, off course, much better then Chinese ones, but they cannot be considered organic and wild harvested because they are grooving in artificial plantations in Italy and as any cultivated plant goes through fertilisation proses.

Also back in 1792 Academician P. S. Pallas has told us that the healing qualities of pine increase as one moves closer to the border of forest tundra. This means that the Siberian one is more powerful.

Other problem is freshness of Italian pine nuts, in any case it will take several month before you buy them in local store.

The main problem with Italian pine nuts, that they are grafted on fast growing, nutless pine tree. You can find many warnings from different sources about danger of grafted plants.

Cedar Nuts - treasure-house of useful substance

The nutritional and medicinal properties of nuts come largely from their content of fat, protein and other substances. Cedar nut fat differs from other fat sources in its high content of polyunsaturate fatty acids, especially linolic acid.

First among nitrogenous substances are the proteins, which in turn are characterised by an elevated content of amino acids, especially arginine. These amino acids are extremely important to development of the growing organism. Hence cedar nuts have been essential in the diet of children, teenagers and pregnant women. Nut protein is easy to digest.

Cedar nuts contain valuable lipolytic vitamins E and P . E-group vitamins, or tocopherols, are very important and essential in ensuring complete genetic heredity. (The word tocopherol in Greek literally means "I bear offspring”.) A deficiency of Vitamin E upsets the fatty balance in the system. Vitamin E is responsible for the production of milk in nursing mothers, and its deficiency can stop lactation. A person's predisposition to atherosclerosis can also be explained by a Vitamin-E deficiency.

Cedar nuts contain a complex of B vitamins, which normalise the activity of the nervous system, have a favourable influence on the growth and development of the human organism, and improve blood composition. Young wolves delight in feasting on cedar nuts during exfoliation. Cedar nuts are used by both carnivores and herbivores, and are an effective antidote to vitamin deficiency, which causes serious disorders in the system.

Cedar nut nuclei are rich in valuable mineral substances and micronutrients. The food value is confirmed by the chemical composition of the cedar nuts. They surpass all other nuts as well as oil seeds in terms of phosphatidic content. As the richest source of lecithin they are comparable only to soybean. Cedar nuts are also a rich source of iodine, which is very important to residents of northern latitudes.

Cedar nuts offer a suffieint daily intake to satisfy an adult organism's daily need for amino acids, as well as such important and often deficient micronutrients as copper, cobalt, manganese and zinc. On the whole cedar nuts are very easy to digest, and have a tremendous beneficial effect on the human organism.

The shell of the cedar nut in pulverised form can be used as animal feed. It has an average food value in comparison with other types of feed. Granted, it does contain a good deal of fibre, making it more challenging to digest.

The process of extracting oil from the cedar nut by the cold-press method leaves a cedar oil powder which is rich in biologically active substances, micronutrients, proteins, Vitamins E, A, C, U of Group B, unsaturated fatty acids with no cholestorol content. This is an excellent dietary product, which facilitates the normalisation of substance metabolism, maintenance of health and preservation of human work capacity for many years. It can be added to desserts, creams, fruit and vegetable salads. It gives cakes, pies, ice cream and other confectionary products a delicate taste and aroma. It can be used as well with cottage cheese, honey, muesli, cereals etc.


Nutrient Analysis Source: Custom
1 Yield: (28.000 gram(s))
No. Ingredients: 1
Category: Basic Food
Manufacturer: (None)
Nutrient Goal Template: DAILY VALUES/RDI - ADULT/CHILD

Percentage of Kcals
Protein 10.0%
Carbohydrate 6.2%
Fat, total 83.8%
Alcohol 0.0%
Table prepared by First DataBank Nutritionist Pro™

Nutrient Value Unit Goal %
Weight 28.000 g    
Kilocalories 186.760 kcal 2000.000 9 %
Protein 1.904 g 50.000 4 %
Carbohydrate 1.176 g 300.000 0 %
Fat, Total 7.056 g 65.000 11 %
Alcohol 0.000 g    
Cholesterol 0.000 mg 300.000 0 %
Saturated Fat 2.626 g 20.000 13 %
Monounsaturated Fat 6.424 g    
Polyunsaturated Fat 7.187 g    
MFA 18:1, Oleic 6.028 g    
PFA 18:2, Linoleic 6.967 g    
PFA 18:3, Linolenic 0.220 g    
PFA 20:5, EPA        
PFA 22:6, DHA        
Trans Fatty Acid        
Sodium 20.160 mg 2400.000 1 %
Potassium 175.840 mg 3500.000 5 %
Vitamin A (RE) 0.840 RE    
Vitamin A (IU) 8.120 IU 5000.000 0 %
Vitamin A (RAE) 0.280 mcg    
Lutein (+ Zeaxanthin)        
Vitamin C 0.560 mg 60.000 1 %
Calcium 2.240 mg 1000.000 0 %
Iron 0.857 mg 18.000 5 %
Vitamin D (ug) 0.000 mcg 10.000 0 %
Vitamin D (IU) 0.000 IU 400.000 0 %
Vitamin E (mg)     20.000  
Vitamin E (IU)     30.000  
Thiamin 0.348 mg 1.500

23 %

Riboflavin 0.062 mg 1.700 4 %
Niacin 1.224 mg 20.000 6 %
Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) 0.031 mg 2.000 2 %
Folate (Total) 16.240 mcg 400.000 4 %
Folate (DFE) 16.240 mcg    
Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) 0.000 mcg 6.000 0 %
Biotin 300.000      
Pantothenic Acid 0.059 mg 10.000 1 %
Vitamin K     80.000  
Phosphorus 9.800 mg 1000.000 1 %
Iodine     150.000  
Magnesium 65.520 mg 400.000 16 %
Zinc 1.198 mg 15.000 8 %
Copper 0.290 mg 2.000 14 %
Manganese 1.213 mg 2.000 61 %
Selenium     70.000  
Fluoride Chromium     0.120  
Molybdenum     75.000  
Dietary Fiber, Total 2.996 g 25.000 12 %
Soluble Fiber        
Insoluble Fiber        
Crude Fiber        
Sugar, Total        
Galactose 0.000 g    
Lactose 0.000 g    
Sugar Alcohol        
Other Carbohydrate        
Tryptophan 40.880 mg    
Threonine 102.760 mg    
Isoleucine 126.000 mg    
Leucine 233.520 mg    
Lysine 121.520 mg    
Methionine 57.960 mg    
Cystine 58.800 mg    
Phenylalanine 124.040 mg    
Tyrosine 118.720 mg    
Valine 167.440 mg    
Arginine 630.280 mg    
Histidine 77.560 mg    
Alanine 169.400 mg    
Aspartic Acid 295.120 mg    
Glutamic Acid 551.320 mg    
Glycine 164.920 mg    
Proline 174.160 mg    
Serine 137.480 mg    
Moisture 1.652 g    
Ash 0.633 g    
Caffeine 0.000 mg    

Friday, September 01, 2006 First DataBank Nutritionist Pro™

g = gram; mg = milligram; mcg = microgram; IU = International Units

According to research, the cedar nut nucleus weighs, on average, approximately 43% of the total mass of the nut. These amazing seeds contain, as has been stated above, an incredible number of useful substances: vitamins, micronutrients, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Let us examine all this treasure in more detail.

Nut nuclei contain 63.9% high-quality oil and 17.2% easily digestible proteins, including 19 aminoacids:

- triptophane

- leucine and isoleucine

- amino isovaleric acid

- diamino-hexanoic acid

- methionine

- glutanic acid

- histidine

- pyrrolidine carboxylic acid

- serine

- aminoacetic acid

- threonine

- lactamic acid

- asparagic acid

- phenylalanine

- cystine and cysteine

- arginine

- tyrosin e

70% of these are essential and relatively essential, which indicates the high biological value of proteins. While arginine (up to 21g/100 g of protein) is considered replaceable in the diet of an adult person, it is considered essential in the case of children.

Cedar nut protein is distinguished from the protein of other products by its elevated content of diamino-hexanoic acid (up to 12.4g/100g of protein), methionine (up to 5.6g/100g of protein) and triptophane (up to 3.4g/100g of protein) - these are the most frequently deficient amino acids, which usually limit the biological value of protein in product composition.

The vitamins contained in cedar nuts contribute to the growth of the human organism. The composition of the nuts, therefore, includes the following vitamins:

- Vitamin A - the vitamin for growth and development;

- Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - which regulates the oxidation of carbohydrate metabolism products, and participates in the metabolism of amino acids, the formation of fatty acids and influences cardiovascular, digestive, glandular functions as well as the function of the central and peripheral nervous system;

- Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - which helps the organism in the conversion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates into energy and is essential to the formation and sustenance of the fabric of the organism; it increases sensitivity of vision to light and colour, has a positive influence on the condition of the nervous system, skin and mucous membranes, the functioning of the liver and blood formation;

- Vitamin B3 (niacin) - which is important for fat synthesis, protein metabolism and food-energy conversion; it acts to regulate the higher nervous activity, the cardiovascular system, the functioning of the digestive organs, cholestorol metabolism and blood formation;

- Vitamin E (tocopherol), which influences the functions of the sex and other vascular glands, stimulates the action of the muscles, participates in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, facilitates the digestion of fats, Vitamins A and O, and also protects cell membranes from injury.

Cedar nuts are rich in the most important macro- and micronutrients:

- copper - which is involved in the functioning of the brain and is essential for the formation of red corpuscles;

- magnesium - which is required for the formation of correct bone structure, and is also an important component of soft tissue;

- manganese - which is essential for the tendrons and hormones and helps the organism take in glucose; it also participates in the activity of the enzymes in the reproductive process, as well as growth and fat metabolism;

- silicon - which facilitates the formation and elasticity of the organism's connective tissue, and also participates in the calcification of the bones;

- vanadium - which retards the formation of cholestorol in the blood vessels; it also participates in the activity of the enzymes, in the metabolism of glucose and fat, and in the development of bones and teeth;

- potassium - which regulates the organism's water balance; it also assists in the normalisation of cardiac contractions and supplying nutrition to the muscle system;

- phosphorous - which is involved in the formation and maintenance of teeth and bones and plays an important role in the activity of the muscles and nerve cells and in quick energy release;

- calcium - which is the main component of bones and teeth and is essential for blood coagulation, cell integrity and heart action; it is also important for normal muscle contraction and the functioning of the nervous system;

- molybdenum - which assists in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, and facilities prevention of blood deficiency;

- nickel - a deficiency of which influences blood formation and retrads growth, along with changes in the content of iron, copper and zinc in the liver;

- iodine - which is part of the hormones of the thyroid gland and is essential for full metabolism processes;

- tin - a deficiency of which in the organism may lead to retardation of growth;

- boron - a deficiency of which can weaken mental alertness and the capacity to bear physical burdens;

- zinc - which plays a vital role in the restoration of tissue, normal skeletal growth and muscle contraction, and also helps in healing wounds and contributes to the normal functioning of the prostate gland;

- iron - which is the most important component in hemoglobin and protein.

Apart from the micronutrients listed above, cedar nuts also contain barium, titanium, silver, aluminium, iodide, cobalt and sodium.

The composition of cedar nuts includes carbohydrates such as:

- glucose

- fructose

- sucrose

- sugar

- starch

- starch gum

- pentosans

- cellulose

The shell of the cedar nut accounts for 55-60% of the weight of the seeds. Its composition includes tannic substances, amino acids, sugar and micronutrients.

In terms of chemical composition the cedar nut shell contains:

- fats 1.2-1.9%

- resin 3.5-4.0%

- proteins 1.6-1.9%

- cellulose 68-69%

- pentozans 21.5-22.7%

- calces 0.6-0.9%

- macro and micronutrients 0.15-0.19%

Water-dissoluble substances at 20C in the shell constitute 4.6-4.8%.


Russian folk medicine has eagerly made widespread use of cedar nuts in the treatment of various ailments. For example, the population of Siberia has long considered cedar nuts an effective remedy in salt deposition.

They used the nuclei of cedar nuts in preparing alcoholates and would take daily drops of the mixture over the period of a month. The result was usually very good.

It is known that cedar nuts were used in olden times in Yenisei Province for the treatment of abscesses. After chewing, cedar nuts were placed on the abscess, and a bandage applied on top of the sore spot. The nuts served to soften the abscess and sped up the maturation process. After the wound was cleansed from pus, the nuts accelerated the healing.

Earlier the husk and powder of the cedar nuts were used to prepare cleansing baths; particles of bran were also added. The bath had a most beneficial effect on the skin, especially chapped or coarsened skin. These baths were recommended in the case of diathesis, eczema, pyodermatosis and other skin diseases. In addition, a bath with the addition of a concoction made of cedar nut husks and powder has a calming action on the nervous system. It is effective in cases of overexcitement as well as overexhaustion.

A potion made with whole cedar nuts was used for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and gout, as well as in metabolism disorders and vitamin deficiency. They would pour vodka on ground nuts together with their shells. After letting it steep for 7 days, they would filter it and ingest over a period of 1.5-2 months.

The shell of the cedar nut is rich in tannic substances. It was used to make potions and concoctions (2-3 tablespoons per glassful), which were used in treating inflammation of the mucous membranes in the oral cavity and other organs in the form of embrocations and ablutions - in the case of skin diseases (lichen, pyodermatosis, eczema etc.), as well as burn damage.

Potions made from shells of cedar nuts were used for the treatment of the gastro-intestinal tract. It raises the tonicity, imparts strength and resotres the normal functioning of the gastro-intestinal tract.

Potions made from shells in vodka were also used to treat hearing disorders.

A concoction of cedar nut shells could be drunk in the case of gastro-intestinal disorders. It had a cohesive, anaesthetic and anti-inflammatory action. Siberian wizards recommended using a potion made from cedar nut shells in the case of hemorrhoids. Folk medicine recommended that a potion of cedar nut shells be drunk in the case of osteochondrosis or arthritis.

A potion of cedar nut nuclei in light wine was taken as a blood-cleansing remedy. It was good to add honey to this potion too.

Folk medicine recommended a potion of cedar nut nuclei in wine with low alcoholic content be taken for bladder problems, as well as for stones in the liver and gall bladder.

The ground nuclei of cedar nuts with honey was useful in treating ulcers. Folk medicine held that with a variety of skin diseases, including skin cancer, eczema and boils, the constant use of natural cedar nuts or cedar oil would lead to recovery.

Cedar nuts should be a constant part of the diet of children and teenagers. They have a beneficial effect on children's physical and mental development. They are very useful and essential during the exfoliation period.

The use of cedar nuts serves to strengthen the organism's defence mechanisms.

Cedar - here referring to the Siberian pine.

Presented by "Open Mind" organisation, Ukraine, June 25, 2005.

These articles come directly from researchers and are passed on to everybody. The company assumes no liability for any content in these articles.

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Sea Buckthorn Oil with Siberian Pine Nut Oil

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